Learn Italian - Greetings

I left my job this week, so I can have a bit of time before I leave for florence:
I plan to discover more of London and get the most out of it before I leave, explore more parts of the UK and hopefully a bit further afield (planning Barcelona) and more importantly learn Italian!

I've never really learnt a language, so this is a totally new experience for me, and it's really hard!
Starting with the basics, and hopefully going into more conversational Italian, I will share my progress with you :)

Ciao - A friendly informal way to greet someone, plus it can even be used to say goodbye (che - ow)
Buongiorno - Hello and good morning (bwohn - jor - no)
Buonasera - Good afternoon/evening (bwohn - nah - seh - rah)
Buonanotte - Good night (bwohn - na - noht - teh)
Arrivederci - Goodbye (ahr - ree - veh - dehr - chee)
Salve - Hello and goodbye (sahl - veh)
A presto - See you soon

After greeting someone, it would be nice to be able to ask someone how they are

Come stai? - How are you? Informal way to ask (koh - meh - stahy)
Come sta? - How are you? Formal way (koh - meh sta)
Come va? - Another way to ask how are you, informal (koh - meh - vah)

And what about a reply...

Bene, grazie - I'm fine, thank you (beh-neh grah-tsee-eh)
Sto bene - I’m well (stoh - beh - neh)
Non c’è male - Not bad (non - cheh - marl- lay)
Così così - So-so
Va benissimo, grazie - It’s going really well, thanks
Molto bene, grazie - Very well, thanks!
Tutto a posto! - Everything is going well! (Literally: Everything is in place.)

and to ask them how they are?

e lei? - And you? (e - lay)

But just incase....

Non capisco - I don't understand
Non parlo italiano - I don't speak Italian
Non parlo molto bene italiano - I don't speak Italian very well
Parla inglese? Do you speak English?

But you should make an effort of course;

Parli piano, per favore - speak slowly please


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